Friday, March 1, 2013

Ionic Detox Foot Bath for Animals

Aurora at the start of her weekly session for allergies.
     Just like humans, our pets are exposed to numerous toxins everyday.  Pollution, chemicals around our homes and in their food, medications, and a host of other things can get trapped inside their joints, organs and nerves creating an ideal environment for the development of disease, allergies, immune system problems and pain.  The Ionic Detox Foot Bath draws these toxins out of the body by soaking the paws in water that has been electrically charged.

Note the color change and the "scum" on the surface of the water 10 min later. 
     The machine produces an alternating low voltage positive and negative pulse in a basin filled with water and sea salt for conductivity. Two of your pet's feet are kept in the water for approximately 15 minutes.  The treatment is wonderful for arthritis, allergies, irritable bowel, most chronic medical conditions, after the long term use of medications or the exposure to toxins, reducing pain and inflammation and accelerating the healing process.  Even better, it is great as a routine way of keeping your pet's body functioning at it's best and preventing problems before they start! Be sure to check with your veterinarian if your pet is a suitable candidate for an Ionic Detox session.
Contact us at or with any questions.